Confused about setting up batch processing of multiple images

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Confused about setting up batch processing of multiple images

Post by mjdl »


I'm really confused about how to automate the processing of multiple images in PWP8. The help file in its great detail is not helping...

I have folders of TIFF images which need to be flipped using the rotate/mirror transformation and then re-saved in the same location with the same file names.

Do I need to use the Open dialogue for just one image, set up the rotate/mirror transformation, use the Save dialogue to over-write the original file, and then save this sequence of operations as a script without image names? But how do I actually select the multiple images, access the batch operations dialogue depicted in the program help, and apply such a script file to all of them? Or can I use the Export feature to resave the transformed images in the same location with the same names?

When I select multiple files using the "Open multiple" dialogue, there is only one image (the first selected) opened and displayed to work on. I can then use the rotate/mirror transformation on that one, but I have no idea how to proceed after that step in order to set up the batch transformation I want.
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Re: Confused about setting up batch processing of multiple images

Post by jsachs »

First, you cannot save the images back over the originals -- you have to save them to a different folder.

Also, forget script files as these are not needed for batch processing.

For a description of the procedure, check out the Batch Processing manual from the Downloads page.

Here is what I recommend:

1) Use File/Open Multiple and select all the files you want to process.

2) Next add the Rotate-Mirror transformation

3) Then add Transformation/File/Export

This has various settings to let you specify the names, file types, destination folder, etc. Specify a temporary folder to store the images in.

4) Lastly, go back to the File Open and double click it. This will display the list of files to process. Clicking the Run button (3rd from the left) will start batch processing of the files one after the other and the Export transformation will write them out.

If you need to replace the original files, use Windows Explorer to copy them back to the original folder.

Any transformations you insert between the File Open and Export will get executed as part of the batch process, so once you get this to work you now know how to do more complicated operations.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Confused about setting up batch processing of multiple images

Post by mjdl »

O.K., many many thanks for the details on how to get this batch business going. (I confess to having forgotten about the new manual PDFs, I just read the CHM help file.)