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Composite Mask

Posted: April 30th, 2019, 8:36 pm
by Marpel
Not sure if this also occurs with just the mask operation (without composite).

Hope I explain this properly:

If I use the Curves portion of Mask to generate a mask (in this case I used a highlights curve similar to the old two and three point) and click Apply, then decide to "Undue last operation", the mask disappears but why does the curve portion of the dialogue also disappear? When I click on the Curves button, the curves re-appears with the same curve I had initially set, so am wondering why it would disappear. Just an extra button to click.

And, if I do as above, but rather than "Undue", I change the curve to add to the mask, then decide I went too far and press "Undue last operation", the most recent mask disappears (the first one remains, which makes sense), the curves dialogue remains (rather than disappear as in first scenario) but does not revert to the curve that I had initially set.

And, just out of curiosity, what is the red line that runs down the left edge of the curves dialogue?


Re: Composite Mask

Posted: April 30th, 2019, 9:00 pm
by jsachs
I agree the Mask Undo feature does not work exactly the way one might like in all cases, but it is what it is for now and would be hard to change. I may rework it in a future release.

As far as the red line goes, when a curve control is active, clicking on the input image (or in this case the image the mask is based on) draws a red vertical line indicating the brightness of the image where you clicked. This lets you see what part of the curve is affecting a specific part of the image. This brightness probe feature also works the same way for Brightness Curve, Color Curves, Adjust, and any other transformation that has a curve.

Re: Composite Mask

Posted: April 30th, 2019, 9:27 pm
by Marpel
Thanks for the reply. Understand about the Mask Undue and no big deal if left as is.

Regarding the red line, I actually meant a vertical red line at the very left edge of the curves dialogue that is visible when the curves dialogue is opened and no tone is clicked on in the image. Initially I actually thought I had inadvertently clicked in the image but confirmed I did not. After I read your response, I went back and tried the same thing again, just to ensure I wasn't inadvertently clicking in the image.

It appears that, on some images, and it seems ones where there is clipping, or very near clipping, on the dark end, a red vertical line appears at the very left side of the curves dialogue when it is opened. It does not appear on lighter images. In fact, I tried it on some obviously clipped images, like masks, and the line showed up on a few of them.

It does not appear that it has any bearing on the mask that is created, but I was just curious why it existed.


Re: Composite Mask

Posted: May 1st, 2019, 6:32 am
by jsachs
Another bug - fixed for next release.