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Save as - can I direct where it goes first please

Posted: December 3rd, 2018, 11:22 am
by tonygamble
When I want to 'Save As' an image, using Windows 10, for the first time in a session I seem to be forced back into a folder that looks like something like the Program File on my drive C.

Maybe my PC is configured a bit oddly but it hangs for an annoying length of time as all my images are on my drive J.

It is not a big deal but it would be great if I could make 'Save As' default to the same folder as the image that I am saving came from.

Likewise if I go to a second folder and 'Save As' it will 'assume' I want to save into the previous folder I was using. Anyway I can stop this? The number of images I 'lose' that way is embarrassing for a man of my passing years!!

Other than that life is hunky dory. Many thanks.


Re: Save as - can I direct where it goes first please

Posted: December 3rd, 2018, 12:01 pm
by jsachs
It should normally try to save in the last folder you saved a file in. If I recall correctly, this setting is supposed to be preserved between sessions. There is no way using PWP 7 to change this behavior.

PWP8 however has a number of features to address this issue, names the option to define a default folder you can open from or save to and also the ability to save back to the same folder the file came from. Granted there is a learning curve to transition from PWP7.

Re: Save as - can I direct where it goes first please

Posted: December 3rd, 2018, 12:12 pm
by tonygamble
Thanks Jonathan,

I ought to make moving to PWP8 my New Year resolution.

I need a Learning Curve to keep the brain active. Better value than my daily cryptic crossword.

All Best Wishes,
