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Match Reference: save/load reference settings

Posted: November 17th, 2009, 9:35 am
by tomczak
I'm having a little trouble with Match Reference transformation/widget. Saving reference settings works fine, but using them again (i.e. Opt/Load Reference Settings), then Previewing or displaying it results in either 'unrecognized error' or 'Missing or invalid target image', even though the 'Using saved reference settings' message is displayed at the bottom of the Match Reference dialog. If a reference image has already been selected, loading Saved Reference file displays the right message, but is ignored by the transformation. This causes a problem, especially when I try to automate correcting colours using Match Ref. Widget. Is there a way around it?

On related issue, if an image is processed with a Match Reference transformation, and then the resulting workflow is saved, it appears that the target image used by the transformation is embedded in the .wlf file as a large, uncompressed TIFF (in my case each .wfl file is 50+Mb); I intuitively expected that since the .ref file fully describes the recipe for the Match Reference, that could be used withing the workflow instead of the target image.

The only way I know how to avoid the issues above, but still benefit from the automation of Match Reference, is to use it with a target image and then save the resulting Curves and Color Correct settings files separately, use them in sequence when settings corresponding widgets, and then save (and reuse) such workflow.

Re: Match Reference: save/load reference settings

Posted: November 17th, 2009, 2:59 pm
by ksinkel
The reasons for saving the image rather than the data had to do with programming uniformity -- there are a number of widgets which share code for saving an auxilliary image. I would suggest resizing the target image when it is large. You would not lose any accuracy.
