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Posted: November 9th, 2009, 6:10 pm
by Winfried
What is the function of the new file "status_log.txt" in the "C:\Programme\Digital Light & Color\Picture Window Pro 5.0" -Directory?


Re: status_log.txt

Posted: November 9th, 2009, 6:23 pm
by ksinkel
This file is a text file which logs status messages as you run Picture Window and is useful in finding the cause of otherwise hard to debug problems.


Excellent idea. I've been trying to run PWP5.0 in Linux

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 4:17 am
by thover
under Wine and, being a newbie to Linux, have only been partially successful. During my first tries with Linux Mint (I like it!) I had it going with one glitch (contextual help display) and found what was suggested a solution, but other problems (ATI driver installation errors by me), wiped out those early set-ups.

This latest installation has been working very nicely except when it comes to getting PWP under WINE going. It now hangs as soon as it tries to display the Browse frame or if I try first to load the tutorial chapter.

The only thing that I've changed from earlier tries (apart from getting the ATI driver working, and bird.jpg still displays properly when starting PWP) is deciding to move /home to a separate partition.

A blind guess is that PWP in opening the Browser frame is looking in the wrong place, or in the right place but the location queried is seen as a mis-match when returned by Linux.

This is the error message:

**** Getting AppData Path ****

If there is an obvious fix on my side or in the next tweaking of PWP, give a reply. Otherwise, don't worry about it. But posting a generic how-to about running PWP under Linux might be worth the effort. FWIW, Linux Mint is a derivative of Ubuntu within the Debian family, which is probably the branch of Linux most chosen by those who need that sort of guidance.

Re: status_log.txt

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 7:23 pm
by keithrj
Thover, take a look at this: which is in the Tips section.

Re: status_log.txt

Posted: November 10th, 2009, 8:07 pm
by ksinkel
Keith's suggestion of looking at the Tips section is a good one.

Getting AppData Path is a part of initialization. Picture Window looks up the user's application directory in the registry. The error indicatees that it did not find a registry entry for the application directory. However this error would not hang Picture Window.

If you are having a problem displaying the browse window, you may have an image that the browser is having trouble opening. Please send e-mail to with the details of your problem and I can help you. In particular let me know if the browse progress bar is displayed and any messages you see there.


Thanks kieth for that link, and in reply to ksinkel

Posted: November 11th, 2009, 2:40 am
by thover
the Browse Window was trying to display bird.jpeg . Startup also hung when attempting to load the tutorial which also means loading that image. After reading through the thread Kieth linked I'm sure it is simply my failure to correctly do the few rather small steps needed to allow PWP to work within Linux.

Kieth, I had done some searching for the kind of how-to you like the link you provided, but as is often the case, the "most linked to" algorithm didn't produce the most helpful results. I'll need to go through it more carefully, since I'm about 2/3 the way there and immediately saw one or maybe two omissions/mistakes on my part.

And thanks to Gustaveson for putting those steps together and the tweaking done with the help of others here.