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Basic Raw Dialog Problem

Posted: September 24th, 2009, 10:07 pm
by MikeLafleur
I'm just beginning to give serious attention to learning (among other things) how to use the Raw Dialog, but am stymied at the first step, and my problem doesn't seem to be addressed in the on-line help.

No matter how I tweak the multitude of sliders, the image produced when I click 'Apply' or 'OK' doesn't look like the one in the preview screen, even though the preview responds to these tweaks appropriately. I've proved this to my satisfaction by compositing several different images produced from one raw file against one another using the 'Subtract', 'Negative' and 'Absolute Difference' Operations.

Am I expecting the wrong outcome? If not, what am I missing? I apologize for such a seemingly basic question, but I can't seem to get off square one. Thanks.


Re: Basic Raw Dialog Problem

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by MikeLafleur

I am now able to make different tweaks on a raw file and produce images that are different (I don't know what I'm doing different from my first many tests), but the images are still quite unlike the image shown in the Raw Dialog Preview window. It would help me greatly if someone could confirm or rebut that this is the normal behavior of the Raw Dialog output. It doesn't seem reasonable to me that the image produced should be so different from the preview. The raw files I have been working with have needed a fair amount of massaging to make the preview acceptable, but the resultant image is not so. Thanks.


Re: Basic Raw Dialog Problem

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 4:43 pm
by ksinkel

The preview and the final image from the raw dialog are very close/identical. If they are not in your case, this is a support issue. I will be glad to help you. Please send me a screen shot of showing the raw dialog and an image made from it by clicking Apply, side by side on the screen. You can send it to


Re: Basic Raw Dialog Problem

Posted: September 26th, 2009, 5:24 pm
by MikeLafleur

Thank you for responding. When I went to create the images you requested, I found that they were, indeed, essentially identical, so I am chagrined--yea, nonplussed! You may go about business as usual, while I will go bang my head against a wall and see if that will help me figure out what has happened.
