Bug fix release 19-Apr-2018

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

Moderator: jsachs

Posts: 4341
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Bug fix release 19-Apr-2018

Post by jsachs »

I have posted a new release (19-Apr-2018) in both full version and executable-only. New macros added to help file.

The changes (taken from the update log) are:

Added macros for time and date photo was taken (in addition to existing macros for time and date file was created or modified).

<<taken date and time>> -- date and time photo was taken
<<taken year>> -- taken year
<<taken month number>> -- taken month number
<<taken month abbr>> -- taken month abbreviation
<<taken month full>> -- taken month full
<<taken day>> -- taken day
<<taken date>> -- taken date
<<taken time>> -- taken time

Changed various menu graying settings and right-click menu in image browser for side-branches.

When reading JPEG images, opRGB (inserted by Microsoft JPEG reader?) is now automatically replaced with Adobe RGB.

Fixed problem causing some rotated TIFF files to read in upside down.

Fixed several bugs related to cloning branches that contain splitters.

Fixed problems with clone tool crashing or misbehaving in some cases.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color