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Suggestion for browse / workflow

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 12:07 pm
by Dieter Mayr

I like the browser and workflow very much for handling my pictures, for example copying from browser to a workflow window and then rename them.
One feature i think would be very helpful would be to have the ability to sort the pictures with the mouse in the correct order, like slides on a classic lighttable and then rename them in batch, e.g. with ascending numbers.
I think of a functionality like slideshow has, but slideshow affects the size of the images.
Just to collect a bunch of images in a window, arrange them to desired order and let run a batch reaname over it.
German picture editing program FixFoto has such a function and this is one of the very few occasions i prefer it over PWP.
Would others find this useful, too ?

Re: Suggestion for browse / workflow

Posted: August 28th, 2009, 6:39 pm
by MikeG
I would.

I had exactly this (light table sort and rename) problem yesterday and had to fire up iMatch to do it.


Re: Suggestion for browse / workflow

Posted: September 3rd, 2009, 6:56 am
by rfuerman
Agree. Perhaps a 'no sort' option on the workflow | option dropdown control would work.