Removing profile from JPEG before sending to printer

Moderator: jsachs

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Removing profile from JPEG before sending to printer

Post by mark_hay »

Hi Kiril
Can you please clarify what I need to do in PWP 7.0.17a to avoid ending up with a JPEG image file containing a profile?

I am asking because I want to use a photo print supplier - Photobox - who say this on their web site:

"Note: All our printers are calibrated to be sRGB printers - the profile therefore for these printers is the industry standard sRGB profiles. Fuji designed the Frontier machines with stability in mind over color range. By default, it approximates to sRGB.
The Frontier driver (processor) does not understand color spaces or ICC profiles, so given an Adobe RGB input, it produces de-saturated, dull and faded looking prints. That's why we recommend not use any profiles attached to your images when submitting to Photobox
Converting to sRGB is a reasonable choice."

- It sounds like if I do nothing, I will present a file containing a profile e.g. Window - Image Properties says "Profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 [mntr]"
- And this would seem to create a risk that the Photobox printer may misinterpret it... rather than ignore it and treating it as sRGB.

Thanks, Mark.
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Removing profile from JPEG before sending to printer

Post by jsachs »

sRGB IEC61966-2.1 is the same as sRGB so there is no need to remove the profile. If you want to remove the profile before sending it in, there is a checkbox called "Include Profile" at the bottom of the File Save dialog box when you selecxt JPEG as the file type."
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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