Pasting into Text Tool not working

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Pasting into Text Tool not working

Post by CKirkwood »

I am not able to paste text from the Windows clipboard into the Text Tool dialog using either Ctrl-V or Edit | Paste (Win7-64 and Win10-64, PWP 7.0.17). I seem to remember that I could do this paste in previous versions of PWP, but I may be remembering that incorrectly.

I also just noticed that when I select the Char Map in the Text Tool and copy a character from a Character Map, I am not able to paste the character into the Text dialog.

It would be very helpful to be able to paste text for my use case, which is creating cover images for eBooks.

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Re: Pasting into Text Tool not working

Post by ksinkel »

The main menu Paste choice does not paste into individual controls. It is only used for pasting images to create a new image window.

However you can copy or paste into the controls. To paste into the text block, you should either right-click in the text block and select Paste or place your cursor into the text black and click Ctrl-V on the keyboard.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: Pasting into Text Tool not working

Post by CKirkwood »


Thanks for your speedy and helpful response. Right-clicking in the text block and selecting Paste works, but left-clicking in the text block to get a blinking cursor and then doing Ctrl-V doesn't seem to work.

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