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Deleting JPG and RAW simultaneously

Posted: December 7th, 2015, 1:05 pm
by tomczak
I currently shoot JPG+RAW, mostly because the jpg embedded in Fuji's RAW are 1/4 of the full size. I was triageing JPGs, and soon realized that the corresponding RAWs are left behind. Can someone think of an easy way to delete both of them together during triage or find the extra ones that don't have corresponding JPGs anymore and cull them?

I can't figure out how to do that in PWP. I also use FastStone Viewer, mostly for its simplicity and ability to compare images side by side, but I can't figure out how to do it there either. I'm sure there is a way, but I was hoping for a simple solution, without having to use yet another programme to do just that.


Re: Deleting JPG and RAW simultaneously

Posted: December 7th, 2015, 1:41 pm
by Bernard
Why shooting RAW + Jpeg, when RAW files have an embedded JPEG , and free utilities to extract them if necessary.

Re: Deleting JPG and RAW simultaneously

Posted: December 7th, 2015, 6:44 pm
by den
...mostly because the jpg embedded in Fuji's RAW are 1/4 of the full size...
My Canon 350D's embedded JPG's are 1/2 size unless shooting mode is set for RAW+JPG... it depends upon camera model/manufacturer what the shooting mode should be if you want the highest resolution [pixel dimensioned] embedded camera JPG with the RAW as backup...

2)... I will download RAW+JPG to a folder and use the folder solely as a source folder for any editing image versions that are stored elsewhere... doing so it is easy to see/delete paired/un-pared JPG and RAF files using Windows Vista Explorer...
Capture.jpg (60.81 KiB) Viewed 3214 times
Illustrated is the Explorer Window in 'detail' view but it is easy to change to a 'medium or large' icon view to see thumbnails or sort by 'Name/Date taken'.
