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Printer Curves button ON-OFF function blocked

Posted: January 12th, 2015, 4:49 am
by davidh
When you press the Button ON-OFF to Off and while keeping it pressed slide with the cursor outside the button icon to the right, left or up, the button stays pressed showing "Off". You can turn it on and activate the curves again only by clicking somewhere to the grid below the button. If you click again on the button instead, it jumps up showing "On" but the curves remain deactivated and the dialog has to be closed and reopened.
Maybe a solution with a switcher that turns On-Off by a click would be more convenient than the press button as it is easy to slide with the cursor off the button while changing between both views.


Re: Printer Curves button ON-OFF function blocked

Posted: January 12th, 2015, 6:42 pm
by jsachs
This has been fixed for the next maintenance release.