Two Issues with Xtrans RAW files
Posted: December 7th, 2014, 12:05 am
I've been playing with Xtrans files from Fuji X-E2 in PWP RAW lately. It compares quite well with in-camera produced JPGs at any settings. But there are two issues I came across:
1) PWP RAW doesn't automatically correct for purple fringing on edges, which is understandable given hundreds of cameras it can support. Using Defringe presents two challenges: one is that the preview does not default to 1:1 that re-centres on clicking of the input image (unlike other transformation for which jumping form place to place in 1:1 is also required: e.g. chromatic aberration, all sharpening methods). The other is that while it removes the fringes efficiently, it often silently decolours small colour details of hue similar to the fringes throughout the image - and this is hard to see until afterwards. The only think I can do to prevent it is to mask everything, except for the fringes first (which is not that easy to do). One idea that I figured would help would be a warning system - something akin to AS before and after change map, or bright warning map indicating what is affected, so that I can adjust the transformation with confidence that only fringes I'm after and no other image elements are affected.
2) While I like PWP RAW details in the developed X-trans files, I'm not too fond of the default colour palette it produces. It is not so easy to correct it competently in RAW or afterwards - WB and colour balances affect the whites and grays as well. What I do now is extracting one of Saturation channels and use it as a mask before colour adjustments: A slider or two doing the same thing in RAW and/or in Levels and Colour, would be much more convenient. Would it be a good idea?
1) PWP RAW doesn't automatically correct for purple fringing on edges, which is understandable given hundreds of cameras it can support. Using Defringe presents two challenges: one is that the preview does not default to 1:1 that re-centres on clicking of the input image (unlike other transformation for which jumping form place to place in 1:1 is also required: e.g. chromatic aberration, all sharpening methods). The other is that while it removes the fringes efficiently, it often silently decolours small colour details of hue similar to the fringes throughout the image - and this is hard to see until afterwards. The only think I can do to prevent it is to mask everything, except for the fringes first (which is not that easy to do). One idea that I figured would help would be a warning system - something akin to AS before and after change map, or bright warning map indicating what is affected, so that I can adjust the transformation with confidence that only fringes I'm after and no other image elements are affected.
2) While I like PWP RAW details in the developed X-trans files, I'm not too fond of the default colour palette it produces. It is not so easy to correct it competently in RAW or afterwards - WB and colour balances affect the whites and grays as well. What I do now is extracting one of Saturation channels and use it as a mask before colour adjustments: A slider or two doing the same thing in RAW and/or in Levels and Colour, would be much more convenient. Would it be a good idea?