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PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 14th, 2014, 12:44 pm
by ksinkel
Picture Window Pro v 7.0.14 is now available. This update fixes two bugs discovered in the recently-released 7.0.13:
  • The problem in converting raw files from some Fuji Xtrans cameras has been fixed.
    A problem in applying the Readout tool to Preview images has been fixed.
Since many users haven't upgraded yet, here is a summary of the major features introduced since our last major update in March:

Halo Reduction in Sharpen

Halos are one the principle artifacts in sharpening and often reduce the amount of sharpening possible. This release introduces a new Halo-limiting control which allows you to control light and dark halos. The control has been incorporated into the Sharpen, Advanced Sharpen and Raw Sharpen transformation. Thanks to Maciej Tomczak and Den for doing the ground work suggesting this feature.

Drag and Drop Launching of Workflows

You can now launch a workflow directly from the desktop by dragging and dropping image files on a workflow shortcut. This action starts Picture Window, loads a particular workflow and populates with the dropped images. The workflow is then ready to run.

To get you started, this release installs a workflow shortcut for copying images from your camera's SD card to your Picture folder. The workflow is configured to automatically sort the images into folders by year and month. However, it can be easily revised to copy images into any folder you choose. To run this workflow, simply insert your SD card and drag the card's DCIM folder onto the shortcut. (It does not start copying automatically -- you will have an opportunity to inspect the workflow and revise it before execution.)

Of course, you can also create additional shortcuts to launch workflows of your choosing. The process is described in the manual in the Workflow chapter.

Raw Support for Fuji X-Trans Cameras

The Raw Converter now supports this sensor. As usual, the raw converter has also been updated to include recently released camera models.

The update also includes other small features and bug fixes. See for details.

The new release can be downloaded here: The update is free to registered PWP 7 users.
The Picture Window manual and the Sharpen whitepapers have also been revised, so you should also install the documentation update.


Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 15th, 2014, 12:28 pm
by AHuntley
A very BIG thank you for the fast response in resolving the issue with some X-Trans sensor cameras!

Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 27th, 2014, 4:05 pm
by jdrusk
Two problems. First, I tried to download and install 7.0.14 but the install failed. What programs are likely to deny access so I can disable them for the install? Secondly, will the new update support Nokia Lumia 1020 RAW files in the .DNG format.

Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 27th, 2014, 4:24 pm
by ksinkel
I don't know of any programs that would prevent PWP installation. I would check to see if some of PWP 7 did get installed and remove it if it did. Then I would suggest rebooting and trying the install again. If you experience further problems, please email me at and include as much information as possible, such as the steps you took, where in the process you experienced a problem and screen shots or verbatim text of any error messages you received.

DNG is supported and is not camera-specific.


Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 27th, 2014, 7:13 pm
by jdrusk
Thanks for your prompt reply. I tried again awhile ago. Within seconds of the time the program begins to install I get a popup box that says "Access is denied". The message board will not allow me to upload the print screen.

Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 28th, 2014, 3:07 am
by Dieter Mayr
Besides what Kiril suggested above, did you try to download the setup file again ?
It could be corrupted and so produce the problems you have.

Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 28th, 2014, 4:31 pm
by jdrusk
I'll try again. I don't have much hope that it will work. I think I will have to restore the previous version from backup.

Re: PWP Update 7.0.14

Posted: August 28th, 2014, 4:32 pm
by jdrusk
I'll try again. I don't have much hope that it will work. I think I will have to restore the previous version from backup.