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Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 1:59 pm
by bobsofpa
I have the latest PWPro 64 7.0.12 (downloaded today).

One of the fixes that PWPRO 7.0 implemented was that when you were saving a file and changing the file type (e.g., from tiff to jpeg) a "-1 " was not added to the file name. It is back. With 7.0.12 I get the " -1 " when I save a tiff as a jpeg.

Re: Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 3:44 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Bob, I do not have a issue with the -1 nor the Profile and Comments issue you described in your other post on 7.0.12 running under Win7
Did you try to download the file again and reinstall it, maybe the file got corrupted somehow ?
I did download it just after Kiril or Jonathan announced the new version, so, maybe the file on the server could be corrupted too.

Re: Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 4:11 pm
by bobsofpa
The file I had before my computer crashed did not have these problems. The file I downloaded today does.

Re: Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 6:04 pm
by ksinkel
I can't reproduce the problem you describe. In my case the -1 suffix is only added If the file with the same root name already exists in the folder. Changing the extension removes the suffix, unless of course there is a file with the same root name and the new extension.


Re: Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 6:46 pm
by bobsofpa
I just tried it again with a tiff file for which there was no corresponding jpeg file. When I went to save the tiff file it immediately added the "-1" to the name. However, it did not delete the "-1" when I changed the file type to jpeg.

Re: Changining file types, "-1" designation

Posted: April 17th, 2014, 6:54 pm
by bobsofpa
I would suggest you download a copy of PWPro 64 from the website and use that instead of what you have on your computers. That way you get what I have.