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Re: Batch Workflow and Widget Settings

Posted: July 24th, 2013, 11:24 pm
by den
Steve... I have verified the following for PWP v7.0.10 - 32bit:

(1) A "non-Breakpoint" Color Balance widget will apply its OKay-ed 'training image' settings for auto full range black/white point color cast removal to all images selected to be processed in the workflow window... ...and...

(2) A "Breakpoint" Color Balance widget will update its settings for auto full range black/white point color cast removal to be specific for the current image being processed in the workflow... ...this update does require a manual OK before the workflow continues to the next widget or image to be processed.

My workflows generally are image specific, so manual "Breakpoint" widget setting changes if preferenced followed with an OK are of little inconvenience... ...the "Breakpoint" workflow feature has greatly simplified my ability to apply image specific preferences to a large selection of diverse images in a PWP session.


Re: Batch Workflow and Widget Settings

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 12:47 pm
by SFeinstein

Thank you for verifying. I appreciate it.


Re: Batch Workflow and Widget Settings

Posted: July 25th, 2013, 1:20 pm
by den

PWP v7.0.10-32... ...Re: Level&Colors widget...

A Level&Colors workflow widget with only a Full Range HSV-V or Full Range HSL-L setting will auto update for each selected workflow image to be processed regardless of whether it is a non- or "Breakpoint" widget... ...however any other setting that is OKay-ed for the "training" image will be applied to all of the selected worflow images.

Kiril, Jonathan...
...noticed that a Level&Colors "Breakpoint" widget with 'training' settings of Full Range and HSL-L color space will display a color space HSV for sequenced images even though the color space apparently remains HSL...

Advise if you wish more info...


Re: Batch Workflow and Widget Settings

Posted: September 28th, 2013, 3:46 am
by tomczak
I just want to make sure if this is what others found out: with Colour Balance set on auto WP/BP correction, the only way to make it re-train on each of the images in a workflow is to set a break-point - without a break-point, the auto correction will train itself on the first image in the sequence and apply these settings to all subsequent images in the workflow (in contrast to Levels and Colour's Full Range, which will readjust itself for each image in the sequence, break-point or not)?
