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Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 18th, 2010, 5:50 pm
by den
Cliff.... others...

You may find that PWP5's Remap transform even a better choise for Hue/Saturation adjustments because of its more advanced blending as illustrated with MikeG's 1:1 images comparing his Remap/ColorCurves results.

HSV-H and HSV-S adjustments can easily be made by double clicking on the inner Remap color pair square and when the 'Remapped Color' dialog appears... switch the color space percentages from RGB to HSV... and simply change to numbers in the boxes to a preference.

For the most part, you would only want to adjust HSV-H [Hue] only by a percentage or two... otherwise the result may look too unrealistic... but HSV-S [Saturation] can be changed significantly upward or downward +/- 20% or more or even changed to 0% [neutral gray] and still have realism... Tone [HSV-V] can also be adjusted either by entering a number or moving the right vertical slider up or down.

In the main Remap dialog, the blending of the new tone/color can be further adjusted with the ColorPair chroma/brightness radius sliders and the overall 'Tightness' slider as well as the transform's Amount slider.

Here is a link to a Remap discussion during the beta testing of PWP5 that may be of interest... it is somewhat dated in that it was a beginers learning experience for me but still may be of interest: ... e=1#Item_0 .

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 10:56 am
by den
If of interest, here is an advanced Remap solution for MikeG's posted image that you might try using a locking highlight Color Pair for the clouds and the RGBCMY 50->90% Saturations, 50->60% tones Color Pairs:

(1) The suggested ColorPairs:
aColorPairs_ScrnView.jpg (16.6 KiB) Viewed 6092 times
To use the above, download the ColorPairs image and MikeG's linked 'original' full sized image. Click on MikeG's image and open the Remap transform. With the main Remap dialog probe, shift-click on each the ColorPairs' image's outer colors... then double left click on each pair's inner color sequentially and when the 'Remapped Color n' dialog appears, click on its probe and click on the ColorPair's inner color.

Note: the locking highlight ColorPair for the clouds has its 'Remapped Color' changed from a blue cast to neutral gray [HSV-S=0%] and its tone [HSV-V] brightened by 5%.

(2) The resulting image where the Remap transform Amount=100, Tightness=0.10, and the Chroma/Birghtness radii=0.10 [default] should look something like this:
aRedArrows-1-2_Remap_per_ScrnView-1_400px-1.jpg (26.06 KiB) Viewed 6089 times
Feel free to experiment with different transform settings to achieve your own preference image.

Ask if there questions.

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 6:31 pm
by cliff
Thanks for the lesson, den. I followed the directions, but I made the sky a little bluer.

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 6:01 am
by MikeG

I'm afraid that your muliti colour remapping approach is too subtle for me - but Cliff and you have made me realise the blindingly obvious that of course the whole image (including the planes) can be 'enhanced' directly with the Color Remap transform.
So, here is my final, final version, using thes Color Remap colour pairs and settings.
Thanks to you both, Mike.
RedArrowsRemap.jpg (45.05 KiB) Viewed 6005 times
RedArrows-2.JPG (37.53 KiB) Viewed 6003 times

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 21st, 2010, 2:21 pm
by den

Good show! I like the interesting cloud detail that you were able to retain.

FYI -- the RGBCMY 50->90% Saturations, 50->60% tones Color Pairs suggested above without the locking highlight cloud Color Pair and with the suggested 'balanced' Remap settings, are approximately equivalent to a ColorCurves HSV-V Smooth curve = [0,0], [50,60], [100,100] and a ColorCurves HSV-S Smooth curve = [0,0], [10,10], [50,90] [90,95], [100,100] except that with the Remap sliders and color dialogs, you can individually control the amount/blending of each of the R, G, B, C, M, and Y hues and/or change the hues of an image from its initial H,S, and V data. The suggested Remap RGBCMY ColorPairs are generically applicable to any colored image that you would consider using the ColorCuvrves transform in the HSV color space model.

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 10:54 am
by tomczak
Here is a challenge that I failing to meet: I was hoping that I could relatively easily see the 'affected region' in Remap transformation (especially, how well the colour replacement blending went in 1:1), in similar fashion to Colour Correct but using the existing tools (I played with Mask, as it can be open simultaneously with Remap, as well as a sequence of widget in a workflow - hoping that Remap can be followed by some other widget that could highlight the difference before and after Remap, then go back and forth between the Remap and the Next Widget(s) to see the changes and adjust the Remap accordingly).

The best I can think of is either Composite in Difference mode or the Difference transformation; it works but it's not nearly as semi-interactive as I hoped for. Is there another way?

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 12:12 pm
by tomczak
I just read the previous tread: saving Remap's settings to a file would be good.

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 22nd, 2010, 3:04 pm
by den
I would find it useful to be able to save/load ColorPair presets as well...

If of interest for your download is a reference ColorPair image I use for the 'RGBCMY 50 to 90% saturations, 50 to 60% tones' as well as a 'gray step scale'. This image can reduce mouse clicks when setting Remap ColorPairs. The 'gray scale' is useful to adjust tone [white, gray, black] as well as add a preferential mid-tone color cast [based on color temperature, for example] or remove undersirable ones...
Hi-Impact-RemapPairs_50-90sat_50-60tone.jpg (19.8 KiB) Viewed 5897 times

Re: Grey skies to blue

Posted: June 23rd, 2010, 4:48 pm
by MikeG
Thanks for the colour pairs, Den. Look forward to getting deeper into Color Remap with them.
