Help with CUDA

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Re: Help with CUDA

Post by mjdl »

A bit late with this info, but on my Dell XPS 15 (2017 model, UHD screen, Nvidia GTX1050 GPU + Intel 630), the default Nvidia drivers provided by Dell were a couple of versions older than the current generic notebook drivers available from Nvidia and they did not work: my screen dimensions on the "About" screen of PWP8 were all wrong (sub-HD dimensions) and CUDA was listed as not available. As soon as I installed the latest non-beta Nvidia generic notebook drivers, PWP8 showed the correct screen dimensions and CUDA was enabled. (And it's a very nice screen color-wise: 98% coverage of both sRGB and AdobeRGB, and a tractable color calibration/profile in ArgyllCMS.)

I don't envy the task of Jonathan sachs in trying to get this all to work for everyone with a suitable Nvidia GPU: the whole thing seems really complicated. But offloading specialized graphics to the GPU is a great feature.