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Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: May 23rd, 2017, 8:14 am
by den
I have already backed up everything from the old site, but I am deliberately not migrating it all to the new site since lots of the material was obsolete. In particular, I am not migrating the old message boards from years ago, just this one.
Would it be possible have the TIPs sections from the old message boards made available? While some information is 'obsolete', other ideas/suggestions can be relevant today and possibly improved using the current tools and transforms of PWP7.

Can I be of help?


Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: May 23rd, 2017, 9:54 am
by jsachs
I'm not sure if I can still access that information. There is no easy way to migrate the old message boards - migrating this one was something of an ordeal, and I ended up having to hire an expert to sort out the mess.

Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: May 23rd, 2017, 10:48 am
by den
I understand and appreciate what is currently available... ...was hoping that these sections might still be accessible and their texts/images converted perhaps to PDFs or DOCs, then indexed. While manually intensive, would be willing to work through them... ...thus rediscover things forgotten!!!


Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: June 13th, 2017, 11:40 am
by den
...old PWP TIPs update...

Just to let you know, Jonathan is making available to me his back up files for the old Message Board threads/posts and we are slowly developing [but progressing] something to preserve some of their hidden treasures... ...for example, Winfried's January 2, 2006 post regarding the Warp Transform proportions slider:
Warp Transformation
If you use the warp transformation for instance to correct a picture of an building, I found this litte trick helpfull to find the right setting for the proportion slider.
I use the paint tool and create a big round spot on the original picture. Then I change the proportion slider until the spot is round again.
After I found my setting I use "cntl z" to undo the spot.
7527.jpg (86.75 KiB) Viewed 4164 times
7528.jpg (87.68 KiB) Viewed 4164 times
I have used this tip many times, recently as last week... ...How many of you have forgotten the Cntl Z part before a transform Apply or OK ??? ;-)


Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: June 13th, 2017, 12:21 pm
by jsachs
I must have missed that one -- that means there must be a way to set the proportions slider automatically using a little math. I had always assumed you needed to know the field of view of the image (lens FL and sensor dimensions) to correct the proportions.

Thanks for dredging it up.

Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: June 13th, 2017, 12:48 pm
by jsachs
Actually while this sounds like a great idea, it does not work in general as I found out when I tried to implement it. For example, if the circle gets warped into a rotated ellipse - which is common - there is no way to un-rotate it by simply adjusting the proportions. There may be some other method that works all the time without knowing the field of view, but I am not aware of it.

Re: DL-C.COM Maintenance

Posted: June 13th, 2017, 2:16 pm
by den
... True... I will just adjust proportions so that the ellipse if it occurs is not overly elongated or tall. It will work as a guide especially where there are no straight lines in the image... ...otherwise I try to adjust so that image elements look near natural unless going for an artistic nuance.
