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Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 6:08 am
by Dieter Mayr
I have played around with screenshots for special text a while ago, but was not really satisfied in terms of quality because of aliasing effects.
I have got the best results with creating the text in Windows Paint, save it as TIFF (or PNG) and process it further in the way Bob described.
For almost all I need the capabilities of PWP are now enough, but of course always interested to learn new tricks and things.
Generally im not a big fan of having text in my images, but on my calendar designs I like to play with texts in various ways, shapes and forms.
And because I have friends i make calendars for in Romania I need their special characters, but thats supportet well now in PWPs own Text transformation.
For that direct opject copy paste Bob mentioned I will have to study some more about that Word Object thing (will have time at the weekend I hope).
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 9:53 am
by couman
:) Dieter, I seem to recall that you were interested in curved text at one time. You can use this Word based approach to create "Word Art" objects including curved text.
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 12:31 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Yes Bob, I use the Fan Transformation to curve text, have used it in several calendar designs.
So, just to have to find a way to get this Object copy paste to work ;)
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 12:31 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Yes Bob, I use the Fan Transformation to curve text, have used it in several calendar designs.
So, just to have to find a way to get this Object copy paste to work ;)
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 1:02 pm
by Dieter Mayr
I have sniffed around in the clipboard and I found the following:
When I copy a image to clipboard, be it from PWP, a screenshot or from Windows Paint I have 2 bitmaps in clipboard, Bitmap DIB and Bitmap DIBV5.
When i copy a object from Word, I only get data in the Bitmap DIBV% entry, Bitmap DIB is empty.
I suppose that is the reason that I do not get something pasted to PWP, even though it shows that there is something in clipboard (Paste in the menue is active).
So it seems to be a problem with Word, I keep you informed if i find out more, any suggestion were to look is of course highly appreciated, too!
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 1:44 pm
by couman
I'm using Office 2000 and a 10 year old PWP version running under Win98. It doesn't surprise me that some of the details might be different, but the overall functionality should be there.
Maybe Kiril will have a suggestion.
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 2:17 pm
by ksinkel
The copy and paste in PWP has not changed in a long time except for the ability to handle larger images. However it's possible that Word no longer creates DIBs, but only DIBVs. (A program is free to store as many formats in the clipboard as it chooses. Then it is up to the paste application to select the most appropriate format from among those it can handle.) We can take a look and see what handling DIBVs entails, if that is indeed the problem.
For what it's worth, I created a graphic in my LibreOffice word processor and then copied it into PWP. It worked correctly. LibreOffice is free and combines the functionality of Word, Excel and other office apps. Its user interface appears identical to Microsoft Office, so it may be a good alternative.
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 2:17 pm
by ksinkel
The copy and paste in PWP has not changed in a long time except for the ability to handle larger images. However it's possible that Word no longer creates DIBs, but only DIBVs. (A program is free to store as many formats in the clipboard as it chooses. Then it is up to the paste application to select the most appropriate format from among those it can handle.) We can take a look and see what handling DIBVs entails, if that is indeed the problem.
For what it's worth, I created a graphic in my LibreOffice word processor and then copied it into PWP. It worked correctly. LibreOffice is free and combines the functionality of Word, Excel and other office apps. Its user interface appears identical to Microsoft Office, so it may be a good alternative.
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: June 30th, 2015, 2:53 pm
by Dieter Mayr
Thanks to all who contributed!
I run Office 2010 here, and it seems this "only DIBV" just occurs with text objects (also the formula object), when I create a WordArt object it copies fine as a BIB and can be pasted to PWP without problems.
I have Open Office installed on my little netbook, I will have a look what they produce for the clipboard.
I also should have a Office 2000 cd around here somewhere, but i don't know if its worth the effort to install it, probably would have to take off my current Office 2010 ...
As for me, there are always workarounds, and creating graphical texts is nothing I do on a daily base, more like 2 or 3 times a year.
The whole thread gave some new insights, some good tricks for Word, so it was definately worth discussing it, even it may be too much effort to imply DIBV in PWP.
Re: Text and super/sub script
Posted: July 10th, 2015, 11:34 pm
by CKirkwood
Here's an approach to getting sub/superscripted text into PWP that works if you also have Powerpoint in addition to Word. First create the "equation" in Word using the Equation Editor, and then copy it into the clipboard. Then open a blank slide in Powerpoint and select "Paste Special." There will be several options, and the one that seems to work best for this purpose is "Picture (Enhanced Metafile)." You can now resize the metafile for the "equation" as you wish in Powerpoint, and then copy it into the clipboard. Then paste it into PWP. This just worked for me in Office 2013.
I also tried to paste the equation as a DIB into Powerpoint, but that seems to crash Powerpoint.