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Re: New Picture Window Pro Update

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 10:23 am
by AHuntley
ksinkel wrote:Alan,

My test of the X-100 shows no problems. If you see problems with an X-100 image, please send me the image. The e-mail is You may need to use one of the image transfer services. also, I didn't test the E2, but please feel free to send me an E2 image as well.

Thank you,

Hello Kiril,

Are you sure we're talking about the same camera? I don't believe the X100 has an X-Trans sensor and is, therefore, very different from the X100S which does have X-Trans sensor and a different processor. Not that the internal camera processor would have anything to do with demosiacing of the image file.

So far, in my testing of various Fuji X-Trans sensor type cameras--all RAW files downloaded from the internet I might add--the latest version of PWP
does not support this style sensor. I would be happy to send you a couple of RAW files, if you tell me how, but you can download your own from various & to name a couple. Let me know if you'd like me to send along a couple of files.

Thank you.

Re: New Picture Window Pro Update

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 11:15 am
by ksinkel

If you have original images that show problems to help with our debugging, we would welcome them. However there is no need to send us images which are available from sites like dpreview.

As I stated originally, we are looking into a problem with some of the Fuji Xtrans cameras. Others, like the Fuji XPro1 and Fuji X-20 work properly. I will have nothing further to add on this until we finish our investigation.


Re: New Picture Window Pro Update

Posted: August 12th, 2014, 12:48 pm
by AHuntley

Sorry, didn't mean to upset. I just don't think it's favorable to dl-c to make a blanket statement that PWP 7 supports X-Trans when quite a few of the Fuji X-Trans based cameras do not, in fact, open properly. Not good business practice to upset new customers is it? Rhetorical question...just sayin.

I have confirmed that the X20 files open as expected. I will now remain moot on this subject...

Thanks for listening.