Color Picker and sticky settings

Moderator: jsachs

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Color Picker and sticky settings

Post by tomczak »

Many thanks for the Ctrl-click on the Brightness Slider!

Maybe there is a way of doing it already, but I can't figure it out (or maybe it is a feature the way it is). In Color Picker, If I change the color space (RGB, SHV, SHL) or the way the color value is displayed (%, decimal, hex), or the mode (full, pastel, temp, filter), the next time I open the Picker it doesn't seem to remember that and goes back to default - which is probably fine in most cases, but I just want to make sure if there is a way to help it with the amnesia...
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Color Picker and sticky settings

Post by jsachs »

No, there is no way -- some of the initial state of the color picker (full/pastel/temp/filter bank for example) is dictated by the transformation. Everything else is initialized for each new instance of the color picker. Theoretically, this other state information (such as units) could be made global instead of re-initializing it for each color picker, and then saved between sessions, as is done for the custom palette.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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