
Moderator: jsachs

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Robert Schleif
Posts: 363
Joined: May 1st, 2009, 8:28 pm


Post by Robert Schleif »

In the Masks Transformation, finding the Save Mask as Image etc. is somewhat indirect. With the mouse over the mask I wish to save, I must select Edit (but this is counter intuitive since I don't want to edit the mask, I want to save it or combine it with another mask). It would help if upon right clicking on a mask icon, one of the options listed in the pop up were "Edit, Combine, Save..".
Once I've clicked on Apply when making a linear gradient mask, I cannot see how to change the gradient with changes to the Color Line.
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Re: Masks

Post by jsachs »

To change a linear gradient, click undo once to undo the last Apply and then adjust the color line and/or reposition the endpoints. Finally, click Apply again. To totally undo the linear gradient, click undo a second time.

For the next release, I changed "Edit..." to "Re-open Mask Dialog Box" and I only display it in the menu if the mask dialog box is not already open.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Robert Schleif
Posts: 363
Joined: May 1st, 2009, 8:28 pm

Re: Masks

Post by Robert Schleif »

Thank you. I mistakenly expected that closing and then reopening the mask dialog box would erase its memory of its last operation. I should have understood what it meant when the undo button was not grayed out.
At first I was surprised that I couldn't edit a mask that had been created in a prior transformation. It might be beneficial to learners if the Help documentation on the Image Browser were labelled "Image Browser--Must Read", and if a fairly prominent section in it were titled something like "Why Only Downward Propagating Changes Are Allowed".
Could the following work? Whenever I try to edit a mask that was created in an earlier transformation, a new copy of that earlier mask is created in the present transformation and is given a new name.
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