Copy selected images

Moderator: jsachs

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Copy selected images

Post by Marpel »

Latest PWP version (although issue occurred in last version as well).

Either this doesn't work or I'm doing something wrong somewhere, or I don't understand what it is supposed to do.

Two thumbnails open (and one image in workspace, of course), one the original (image 1), second (image 2) a result of a Composite action on image 1.

Shift+click both images and press Browser button "Copy selected images" to get Confirm "Copy to new branch?".

OK > Browser window shows two new thumbnails (3 and 4) which are black and half size of other two thumbnails. Also opens image folder with "File name: *.*" and only options Open and Cancel.

Press Cancel > "Alert. No files selected. Try again?". Pressing Yes opens same folder and options.

Press No > "Alert. Abort and clear workspace?"

Yes > workspace clears all files. No > the two new thumbnails turn red in color.

Is this the way it is supposed to happen?

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Re: Copy selected images

Post by jsachs »

>> Two thumbnails open (and one image in workspace, of course), one the original (image 1), second (image 2) a result of a Composite action on image 1.

>> Shift+click both images and press Browser button "Copy selected images" to get Confirm "Copy to new branch?".

I assume you mean Ctrl-click. In any case when one of the selected images is a top-level image (such as a File Open), you need to open a different image to serve as the copied top-level image. This is similar to cloning an entire branch in previous PWP versions which is why it is asking for the name of a different file to open.

>> Press Cancel > "Alert. No files selected. Try again?". Pressing Yes opens same folder and options.

When you Cancel, you are failing to provide a new file to open.

If you want two composites based on the same image, insert a side branch after image 1 and then copy image 2 to the new branch.

If you copy both image1 and image2, you need to select a different file for image1-copy and then image2 will be the same composite transformation applied to image1-copy.

If you have a series of transformations starting with a File Open and want to replicate them, but applied to a different file, then select the entire branch and copy it. This asks for a new filename and then copies all the transformations after the new File Open.

I will check out the situation you described and see if I can make it work better.
Jonathan Sachs
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Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia

Re: Copy selected images

Post by Marpel »

I think I see where my confusion lies.

I presumed that, because the title of the button is "Copy selected images" , that if a chain of images was selected (by shift + click) all images were copied into a separate branch, not just the Transformations related to the images.

Perhaps a minor change to the title of the button to "Copy selected transformations" or similar?

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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Copy selected images

Post by jsachs »

Yes, I tend to use image and transformation interchangeably and others have pointed out that this is confusing.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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