Compare and saving control panel preview zoom settings

Moderator: jsachs

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Compare and saving control panel preview zoom settings

Post by tomczak »

By default, the Compare control panel preview starts in 1:1 zoom (which can be easily changed to e.g. zoom to fit with its toolbar buttons). My question is if I change this default zoom setting, can that be kept in batch for the next image? - I couldn't find anything in the command line that looked like it could do that, but I don't know:

compare 0 method 6 swap 0 blink 1 strength 1 curtain 0.5

Here is the reason for asking:

I use the Compare as a decision-making tool in batch: in the simplest setup, there are two branches for the same list of input images, each branch having different sets of transformations/settings. One branch ends with Compare (and Export). Image B in that Compare is the last image of the other branch. The Compare has a Breakpoint on it and all I have to do is to choose A or B for the output when the batch pauses at the Compare.

Sometimes 1:1 is fine (e.g. when I try to compare sharpening results), but often I'd like to look at full-size images or some other zoom factor - I can change it, but I can't figure out how to stop it from always reverting to 1:1 for the next image in the batch.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Compare and saving control panel preview zoom settings

Post by tomczak »

A related observation: when I use the mouse wheel to zoom out the Compare control panel preview, often the previous zooms get stuck below the current zoom (just like on the image below), and refuse to update unless I switch the image, for instance.

And a question: if the image in Compare control panel preview is larger than the preview window, is using side sliders the only way of moving it around? (Alt-mouse dragging works on the actual preview window, but not on the Compare control panel preview).
2020-02-02_170633.jpg (33.45 KiB) Viewed 910 times
Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 4455
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Compare and saving control panel preview zoom settings

Post by jsachs »

I fixed the mouse wheel problem for the next release.

I added the zoom factor to the command line. Saving and restoring the scroll position would be a lot harder.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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