Mask Transformation - rename and thumbs

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Mask Transformation - rename and thumbs

Post by tomczak »

I can rename the whole Mask Transformation but not individual masks within it. Also, if the Amount(less) buttons in the Mask Transformation don't seem to show a thumbnail preview of the mask that they hold - the only way I figured to find out if the mask is there is to click on the button and see if Reset and Edit are there.
Maciej Tomczak
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Fuji X-E2

Re: Mask Transformation - rename and thumbs

Post by tomczak »

Also, this is probably cosmetic, there are Display Input, Display Preview, and Synchronised Scrolling buttons. If either of the two first ones is clicked on, the Synchronised Scrolling disappears. Also, the Display/Input buttons only seem to work when the Mask Edit control panel is on - the Input displays the mask, the Preview doesn't. Is there any use for them that I haven't discovered?
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Mask Transformation - rename and thumbs

Post by jsachs »

The problem of the missing thumbnails was accidentally introduced when I added the Ctrl-Click on the thumbnail. Fixed for next release.

The side-by-side display for Masks is not very useful since the output image is always a copy of the input image, but it works the same as for all the other transformations.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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