Batch processing - some comments

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Batch processing - some comments

Post by tomczak »

Some random comments on Batch processing, as I'm getting the hang of it:
  • If File Open is reopened, all the files in the list are selected. If I click on a file, they get deselected except for the one clicked on. I found it awkward to reselect all files again (shift-click seems to span selection, but only in for those files visible in the window - if there are several files and I scroll down to the last one, shift-click bracketing doesn't seem to work).
  • If Show Batch Progress is off, the Batch processes correctly, but PWP banner shows 'not responding' and blank Open File window flash with each new image being processed. It's easy to conclude that PWP crashed...
  • In the Batch Progress window, the file name being presently processed is cut off at the right - if the file is somewhere relatively deep in the folder path, it only shows part of the path, not the file name.
  • In Colour Mgmt preferences I have Asked on Mismatch for normal files and Convert for Batch. Yet, every time the current image is changed in File Open, a popup window asks to convert colour profile (I'm processing AdobeRGB to sRGB). Only if Asked on Mismatch and Batch are both set to Convert, the popups calm down.
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Batch processing - some comments

Post by jsachs »

>> If File Open is reopened, all the files in the list are selected. If I click on a file, they get deselected except for the one clicked on. I found it awkward to reselect all files again (shift-click seems to span selection, but only in for those files visible in the window - if there are several files and I scroll down to the last one, shift-click bracketing doesn't seem to work).

Fixed for next release

>> In the Batch Progress window, the file name being presently processed is cut off at the right - if the file is somewhere relatively deep in the folder path, it only shows part of the path, not the file name.

In next release, pathname is abbreviated if it is longer than 80 characters long - both the beginning and end are displayed.

>> In Colour Mgmt preferences I have Asked on Mismatch for normal files and Convert for Batch. Yet, every time the current image is changed in File Open, a popup window asks to convert colour profile (I'm processing AdobeRGB to sRGB). Only if Asked on Mismatch and Batch are both set to Convert, the popups calm down.

The Batch sertting only applies to when a batch process is actually running, not to when you are switching files in the File Open dialog box. Are you having a problem with it asking on mismatch when a batch job is running?
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Batch processing - some comments

Post by tomczak »

No, not when the batch is running. Only when the File Open is open and current/selected files are being manipulated.
Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 1431
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Re: Batch processing - some comments

Post by tomczak »

One more observation on Batch: when a batch finishes processing, the message pops up, and then the focus from the last processed file (red dot) goes back to first - as a result, I'm being asked to convert colour space for the first image again, close the Open File control window and then the whole branch gets recalculated and returns to the state before the batch was run (including all the files being selected again)

I don't see anything particularly wrong with it, but it would be more intuitive to me if the last processed file stayed selected (red dot) and all the processed files stayed unselected so that I know they were processed successfully - so when I close Open File Control window nothing further happens and the last-processed image is the current one processed in all transformations.
Maciej Tomczak
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