Image size

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Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia

Image size

Post by Marpel »

Not a big deal in the whole scheme of things but,

On a few transformations (Clone being one so I suspect it is those which have the "before/after" image side by side in the main image area), after OK is clicked to complete the operation, I usually compare the two images to determine which I like best, by clicking on the Browser thumbnails.

However, I find the original image is now a reduced size in the image area (same size as the side by side images) and I then have to click "zoom to fit" to get it back to the default size.

Is this a settings or preference thing I can change or is it what it is?

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Re: Image size

Post by jsachs »

There is no setting for this -- I will look into it when I get a chance.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Image size

Post by jsachs »

I am having trouble reproducing this here -- can you give me a scenario where this happens?
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Image size

Post by davidh »

Sorry to interfere into this post, but the following may be just another manifestation of what Marpel describes.

This is the simplest scenario. But it also works with already created and reopened Clone transformation.

1. open Clone dialog and load an input image
2. in the browser make active the half-sized image next to Clone image -> you get a split preview window whatever of the three display buttons is on at that moment
3. turn ON the Display Preview button in the Clone dialog (if it is already ON toggle it with one of the other two) -> you get the single preview of the output image but its size is reduced to the size it has when displayed in the split window preview

What is different, however, it is not possible to zoom the output preview in any way using the four preview zoom buttons in the top left corner of the preview window - they seem to be locked

Also, if you instead of step 3 toggle between Side By Side and Display Input buttons the Bypass button of the Clone image in the browser always turns ON when the Dispaly Input button is ON, and OFF when Side By Side button is OFF
Posts: 701
Joined: September 13th, 2009, 3:19 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D810
Location: Port Coquitlam, British Columbia

Re: Image size

Post by Marpel »

And I mis-spoke in my initial post. It is not the original image that is reduced in size.

- Open two images
- Activate Clone.
- Choose second image as source.
- Cursor "one to one" and make a selection.
- OK.
- The small thumbnail of the source image is highlighted in the Browser and that image is shown full size in the main image area.
- Wishing to compare the original image and the new image, click on the source image to make it active and full size, then click on the new image in the Browser. That image is shown in the image area but it is reduced in size and I have to "zoom to fit".

And not sure if it is related,
- Opened 5 images that I recently shot of a flower with a macro lens. The thumbnails were situated across the top of the Browser window.
- I had focused on different parts of the flower (stamen I think - not familiar with flower parts).
- I wanted to manually "focus stack" the centre of the flower, by cloning the best (sharpest) part from each into the "base" image.
- Zoomed in the same amount of each image on the centre of each flower and repeatedly clicked on the 5 thumbnails to determine which parts of which flower were the sharpest (making a few notes as I progressed).
- After finishing assessing one of the images, I would click the Browser X of that image to close it (and repeat the assessment of the remaining).
- When the next image was activated, the zoom ratio had changed and that image was now zoomed out more than the rest.
- But only if that image was adjacent to the image that had just been closed - if the thumbnail of the image that I closed was the first in line (far left), the next one to it's right was zoomed out. If the closed image was in the middle of the row of thumbnails, the image to it's left was zoomed out.

Hopefully I properly explained that one.
