Clone Amount control interferes in the previews

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

Moderator: jsachs

Posts: 839
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Clone Amount control interferes in the previews

Post by davidh »

1. open clone and load a source image
2. move the Amount slider either way ->
with Display Side by Side button ON - the previews will switch between split and Clone preview window
with Display Preview button ON - the first move of the slider zooms the image to fit, the second switches both the button and previews to split window
Posts: 839
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Clone Amount control interferes in the previews

Post by davidh »

And one more observation:
1. open Clone and load a source image, leave the dialog open, do not click OK, Apply or Cancel
2. unload source image by choosing the option Output image
3. try to close the source image in the tree -> you get the Close File box with two options:
Close the current image and all the images that depend on it

Unless you click Apply or OK before you try to close source image, the dependency between the source image and the Clone dialog is preserved even though the Source image icon is empty.
You can see the dependency by the highlighted source image when you expand the source image list.
Posts: 839
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Clone Amount control interferes in the previews

Post by davidh »

And still anothter one:
1. open Clone and load a source image, leave the dialog open, do not click OK, Apply or Cancel
2. do some cloning
3. unload the source image by choosing the option Output image
4. click OK or Apply -> PWP crashes
Posts: 4512
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Clone Amount control interferes in the previews

Post by jsachs »

These issues should be fixed in the next release.

Selecting Output Image as the Source Image does not unload the previous input - the purpose of the Source Image control is to add new inputs to the input list if they are not already on the list and to make the selected input image current. Selecting Output Image is just like clicking on the Clone image thumbnail.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color