Active images and preview buttons out of synchronization

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Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Active images and preview buttons out of synchronization

Post by davidh »

There is an interesting feature (perhaps unintentional) which, however, does not work always.

1. open Clone transformation with an auxiliary image -> it becomes the active image in the browser
2. click the Clone image to make it active
3. click again the already active Clone image -> this makes active the auxiliary image
4. you can switch between them like this thus changing the previews, however there is no synchronization with the display buttons when Clone image is active:
Display Side by Side and the Scrolling button stay ON (should be OFF, resp. hidden),
Display Preview button stays OFF (should be ON)

5. If you meddle in it with some combination of display buttons and active images it suddenly may not possible to switch between both images just by clicking only on the Clone image.

6. Also, you can get the split preview with Display Preview button ON, Side by Side button OFF and Scrolling button ON:
Make the Clone image active with Display Preview ON, and then make active the auxiliary image.
Posts: 836
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Active images and preview buttons out of synchronization

Post by davidh »

One more observation, see the attachment:

1. start with active auxiliary image, Side by Side button ON (image on the left)
2. turn on Display Input button -> the Clone image is set to Bypassed (image on the right)
3. turn on Side by Side button -> the Clone image Bypass status is set to false

turning on Display Preview button has no effect on Bypass status

or with Composite transformation:
1. start with active Overlay image, Display Input button ON
2. make active the Composite image -> the Composite image is set to Bypassed
3. set the Composite Bypass button to OFF -> the Display Preview button is set ON
also other way around:
1. start with Composite image, Display Input button ON
2. make active the Overlay image -> the Composite image is set to Bypassed
3. set the Composite Bypass button to OFF -> the Display Preview button is set ON

A suggestion.

Synchronizing four preview buttons with two previews and two thumbnails to cover all combinations seems quite complicated. I was wondering whether it would not be easier to hide the Side by Side buttons in Clone dialog, or possibly in all transformation dialogs when an auxiliary image is used.

In the case of Clone transformation:
1. Making active the auxilary image would display both images in split previews. Then you could toggle between Display Input (auxiliary - source - image), and Display Preview (Clone output)

2. Making active the Clone image would display a single preview. Display Input would show Clone input image, Display Preview would show Clone output.

No big need for the Side by Side button.
What would yet have to be decided is how to manage Synchronized scrolling without its button. In my opinion in transformations using auxiliary images there is no real need to see both images in different zooms, or is there? Other may think otherwise, of course. In that case both zoom buttons groups could be left independent.

Just an idea.
Clone with auxiliary image.png
Clone with auxiliary image.png (21.97 KiB) Viewed 2120 times
Posts: 4341
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Active images and preview buttons out of synchronization

Post by jsachs »

This should be fixed for the next release.

By design, the bypass buttons in the image browser affect an open transformation as a convenient shortcut, but not the other way around. When you close the transformation, bypass is always turned off so the effect of the transformation will be visible.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color