Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

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Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by lt_gustavsen »

Here is a quick guide to install picture window under ubuntu 9.04. Ubuntu is a linux system. This is already mentioned in some posts in the main forum, but here we go:
In a terminal (Applications menu -> Accessories -> Terminal. ) write the following:

Code: Select all

 sudo apt-get install wine wget

wget  http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
 sh winetricks gdiplus vcrun2005
#gdiplus install powerpoint viewer becuase it contains gdiplus.dll.

#Download picture window. 
 wget -r "http://dl-c.com/Temp/downloads/Picture Window 5.0/setup.exe" -O pw5setup.exe
# and install picture window
wine pw5setup.exe

And copy your monitor profile if you have one.

Code: Select all

cp .color/icc/monitor.icc   .wine/drive_c/windows/system32/spool/drivers/color/

I often like testing programs under a seperate wine structure. This is done by writing

Code: Select all

 export  WINEPREFIX="/home/`whoami`/.wine-test"
as the absolute first command above.

The program can be launcher either from Applications menu - wine- programs
or from the created launcher on the desktop. The launcher contain the correct wineprefix setting, if used.
I have not tested picture window 5 much jet, but it looks like it works very well under linux.
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by lt_gustavsen »

Just discovered in my testing here that some of the tools was missing, so the description above install's the standard version.
For the much better pro version replace the wget command with this:

Code: Select all

wget -r "http://dl-c.com/Temp/downloads/Picture Window Pro 5.0/setup.exe" -O pw5setup.exe
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by MikeG »

I was delighted to see your clearly set out step by step instrucions. Even a Linux/Ubuntu 9.04 novice like me should be able to do this, I thought.

Well, nearly...

Try as I might I couldn't get PWP to launch.

Didn't work first go, and as I'd previously intalled wine via the package manager. I uninstalled it. Binned all the folders and tried again. Wine downloaded and installed OK.

Couldn't get these two lines to do their stuff:
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
sh winetricks gdiplus vcrun2005
They are two separate instructions, aren't they? Got the impression that the file was no longer available from Microsoft, but I'm new to this.
So I copied gdiplus.dll from a Windows Vista installation and pasted it into drive_c/Windows/system32. When that didn't work, I pasted another copy in the drive_c PWP folder, again no joy.

By the way the PWP download and installation went fine. Even had Notepad fire up to show the readme. PWP showed up in the Wine sub menu, but wouldn't launch. Trying to launch from drive_c/Progams etc via the right mouse click and so on produced no sign of activity.

I was't sure what to do when, during the PWP installation, a dialog popped up asking for name and organisation. The Edit Boxes contained text along the line of 'change preferred owner in /.wine/system.reg. I put my Ubuntu user name in the Edit Box, and 'none' in the organistion, hoping that would be OK. Have subsequently made the RegisteredOwner change in /.wine/system.reg Not surprsingly, no change, PWP still does not launch.

If are able to give me a few pointers as to what to try, I'd really appreciate it.

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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by lt_gustavsen »

Couldn't get these two lines to do their stuff:
wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks
sh winetricks gdiplus vcrun2005
They are two separate instructions, aren't they?
What was the error messages? The first line require the program wget. So maybe the source of your problem is missing that program. sudo ap-get install wget should fix that. Another source of problem can be if kegel.com was down, if so just try again.
You are actually downloading a shell script from that site. And the next command instruct the shell sh to run the above downloaded shell script with instruction to download gdipluss and vcrun2005.

I'm pretty sure your problems running picture window come from the failing of the above two lines. So please post your error messages.
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by lt_gustavsen »

I have justed tested this instructions with a livecd to be sure I was starting from scratsh.
There was some problems.

First I forgot to mention that the universe repository need to be enabled to install wine.
Its done with system-administration-software source and enable the universe repository. The second choice from top.

wget are normally installed but cabextract are missing. The first apt-get command should the be:

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install wine cabextract
It looks like winetricks currently fail to download the gdiplus.dll. This can be done like this as a substitute:

Code: Select all

sh winetricks vcrun2005
#grabbing gdiplus from dl-c
wget http://www.dl-c.com/Temp/support/GdiPlus.zip
unzip GdiPlus.zip
wine cmd /c copy GdiPlus.dll c:\\windows\\system32\\
Hopefully my instructions are more complete now.
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by MikeG »

Thank you very much for all the new code.
I forgot to mention that I was propmted to install cabextract when I first tried your original post.
Now have PWP up and running - I think I was missing vcrun2005 before as that downloaded this time, and not the first time.
To simplify life for others, I've re-written your original post with the changes as below. Please check it for errors.
Thanks, Mike.
Rev 02-resized.jpg
Rev 02-resized.jpg (13.05 KiB) Viewed 199367 times
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Panasonic G1
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by MikeG »

Sorry about that. Trying again.

sudo apt-get install wine cabextract

wget http://www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks

sh winetricks vcrun2005

#grabbing gdiplus from dl-c
wget http://www.dl-c.com/Temp/support/GdiPlus.zip

unzip GdiPlus.zip

wine cmd /c copy GdiPlus.dll c:\\windows\\system32\\

#download Picture Window Pro
wget -r "http://dl-c.com/Temp/downloads/Picture Window Pro 5.0/setup.exe" -O pw5setup.exe
#install Picture Window Pro
wine pw5setup.exe
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Nikon D80

Thank you both. Installing PWP5.0 on Linux Mint Gloria worke

Post by thover »

As a Linux newbie and fan, I had tried and erred a few times when gathering up hints from other discussions, but after uninstalling and wiping all previous wine remnants to assure a fresh start, I just cut and pasted MikeG's revision of lt_gustavsen's script, line by line, and PWP opened up fine.

One thing I had read is that those running 64-bit versions of Linux (as I do) need to first install the 'ia32-libs' package, which I had already done, so that might be a factor for some to consider,
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Creating a startup launcher

Post by lt_gustavsen »

In this post I will explain how to create a startup launcher that can be used from command line or from a filemanager. I'm really exited that I got this working and it is very useful, at least to my working style.

First I create a file called /usr/local/bin/pw with this content. If you are unsure how to do this try this:

Code: Select all

gksudo  gedit /usr/local/bin/pw

Code: Select all

#Edit the below line 
WINEPREFIX=$(echo /home/`whoami`/.wine)
#WINEPREFIX=$(echo /home/`whoami`/.wine-pw5)

#Trying to find out the local name of the Program Files folder
#like C:\Programfiler
PROGRAMFILES=$(wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%")

#create the filepath, takes multiple files
file=$(winepath "$@" |awk '{ print "\""$0"\"" }'| tr -s \\n " ")
#The below gives more windows style filepath, but it fails loading ./img.jpg
#file=$(winepath --windows "$@"|awk '{ print "\""$0"\"" }'| tr -s \\n " ")

echo "env WINEPREFIX=$WINEPREFIX wine start \"$PROGRAMFILES\Digital Light & Color\Picture Window Pro 5.0\pw50.exe\" $file"

wine start "$PROGRAMFILES\Digital Light & Color\Picture Window Pro 5.0\pw50.exe" $file
This file need execute permission.

Code: Select all

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pw
It should no be possible to launch picture window in many way from the command line:
pw image1.jpg #open pw and image1.jpg
pw files/image1*.tif #open pw and multiple files
locate calender-2008|grep jpg$| perl -pe's/ /\\ /g' |xargs pw # open pw and all files that end with jpg and contain calender-2008. space allowed in filename

Integrating with nautilus filemanager
The goal here is to be able to use the "right click" open with function. To do this with some eye candy we need a file in ~/.local/share/applications called picturewindow.desktop. I have this content, but I think there is room for improvements here.

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Picture Window Pro
Comment=Edit images
Exec=pw  %F
The icon may have a different name on your system. To find it try the command "locate pw50.0.xpm". To send a file to picture window from nautilus just right click and select "open with". First time for each file type (jpg,tif,png) you may have to choose the "other application" entry and find Picture Window there. If everything works it will be described as "Picture Window Pro" (the name entry from above) with the picture window icon.

It is also possible to drag-and-drop images from file manager to picture window.

Firefox to picture window
It is also possible to send images from firefox to picture window. I use an extension called viewsourcewith http://dafizilla.sourceforge.net/viewso ... /index.php With this installed you have to create a new application within the plugin. Use /usr/local/bin/pw as the path to the application. You should now be able to right click on a image in firefox select "source-with" and select "picture window". Great.

There is a small bug or feature that picture window open up in the background and not get focus. Anyone have a solution to this?

This is tested on ubuntu 9.10 and partly on xubuntu 9.10
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Re: Picture window 5.0 on ubuntu linux

Post by lt_gustavsen »

Here is a screenshoot from nautilus. This is the first run and I have right clicked on the image and chosen "open with" and "other application"


Next time I right click on a jpg file I can select "open with" and find the Picture Window entry immediately.

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