Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

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Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by davidh »

The following problem does not happen always. I have not discovered why. Sometimes there is a series of positive occurences followed by a series of negative occurences, But it is always triggered by the Sharpness slider moving a way to the right:

1. start the Adjust transformation
2. go Amount square, choose New mask
3. create a mask, Apply it
4. drag the Sharpness slider to max -> the Dialog disappears, Apply mask progress bar shows up with apply_amount error message and PWP stops working, (if it does not, click into the Browser)

In Adjust transformation if you choose Edit mask, I think it might be convenient to automatically make active the Mask dialog instead of the transformation dialog probe function. Otherwise if you do not remember you have first to click on the Mask dialog, you inadvertently edit the color balance of the image and have to correct or reset it.
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by jsachs »

I am having trouble reproducing this here.

Please include the type of image (e.g. 24-bit color) you are working on with bug reports as there a different code paths for each of the five image types.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by davidh »

They are all 48-bit. It never happens with 24-bit images.

Talking about the image type. I tried to find out more something more and found this:

It usually possible to keep clicking on the OK button of the error message until it gets closed. This restores the workspace with the red error Adjust output thumbnail in the browser. The Image Info reveales that while the input is 48-bit, the failed output is only 24-bit.
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by jsachs »

Thanks, that is a useful clue.

I never did reproduce the problem, but I did clean up the code for the next release. If it still happens after that, please let me know and I will dig deeper.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by davidh »

Unfortunately there is no change in Alpha 11-May.

I will go on searching for some clues, in the meantime here is some additional random observations made in Alpha 10-May:

- It seems to happen also in the reverse order:
1. open an image and start Adjust
2. move the sharpen Slider all the way to the right (does not always have to be all the way, however)
3. go to the Amount and choose New mask -> PWP stops working, the Mask dialog does not show up
4. after some clicking around the Mask dialog does open with the error message and the frozen mask progress bar
in this example no mask is necessary to bring the PWP down

-When the PWP stops working, it looks as if there is some infinite cycle running on the background because the mask dialog oscillates very fast. The mask progress bar gets frozen in the middle of the screen.

-It never happens moving the Slider to the left.

-It is often possible to prevent imediate total crash by clicking the OK button of the error message until the box closes and PWP workspace is temporarily restored. Then it is possible to:
1. dblclick the red error 24-bit thumbnail to reopen the Adjust
2. click the dialog OK and complete the transformation -> the output changes from the red error to normal output and is sometimes 48-bit, other times remains 24-bit. Instead of clicking the dialog OK, the same result can be achieved using the dialog Amount Reset command

-There is no difference whether the mask is created in Mask dialog, saved and loaded or created as a new mask using Amount New mask command.

-It never happens with a 24-bit converted from a 48-bit which normally triggers the problem.

-When the PWP stops working, it looks as if the Sharpen slider starts some infinite cycle the mask dialog oscillates very fast and the Apply amount mask progress bar gets frozen in the middle of the screen.
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by jsachs »

I still have not seen it here, but I am pretty sure I fixed it for the next release (will post an interim release for you to try shortly). There was an uninitialized variable that selected either 24-bit or 48-bit output from sharpen. Results depended on prior contents of memory.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Adjust: Mask with Sharpen slider somehow clash

Post by davidh »

Alpha 11.5-May.
After some testing on different 48-bit images I am happy to confirm that the Adjust transformation makes no problems on my PC any more.

By the way, last evening I got a similar idea that the problem must have something to do with the image size.
So I did additional testing with gradually resized 48-bit inputs and only when I got from the original 4288 x 2848 pixels down to about half the size, the number of occurences dramatically decreased.
What is interesting is that when I used Crop instead of Resize the problem stopped already near the size of 3000 x 2000. But it may have been a coincidence because the possitive occurence have hardly ever been 100%, anyway.

A future nice to have. Doing a lot of cropping (not only now) I found it would be nice if the Crop transformation automatically recognized the image layout (landscape/portrait) if Proportions are set to other then Arbitrary or Custom. Now it seems to be hard set to Portrait.