Text: losing background and text rectangles

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

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Text: losing background and text rectangles

Post by MahnEngland »

Alpha update version 30-Mar-2018

1. File: open new image and OK

2. Transformation: Invoke Text command. Input image displays Background and Text rectangles that can be manipulated.

3. Text Dialogue Box: Enter text. Input image displays Background and Text rectangles that can be manipulated. Output image displays text.

4. Text Dialogue Box: Change text color, select solid color (say red). Text has changed to red. Background and Text rectangles are no longer visible or available on input image. The same thing happens if the color of background is changed.
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Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Text: losing background and text rectangles

Post by jsachs »

In PWP 7.20, various dialog boxes have eyedropper buttons to indicate which dialog gets information when you click on the input image, and to let you specify which dialog currently processing these input events. In PWP 8 the eyedropper buttons are replaced by clicking on the title bar of the dialog box or a blank area inside it to activate the dialog.

In the case you are describing, when the color picker gets control, it takes over clicks on the input image which are used to select the color where you click. To get the overlays from the Text dialog back, just click on the title bar of the Text dialog. To revert to selecting colors, click on the title bar of the color picker again, etc.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color