Apply buttons

Please use this forum to post bug reports, feature requests, tips, etc. for beta versions of Picture Window Pro 8

Moderator: jsachs

Posts: 839
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Apply buttons

Post by davidh »

It seems that Transformations Apply buttons do not work properly or have a reduced functionality. They can be clicked on, some seem to do something (e.g. sharpening) but no output image is created, or at least when the transformation dialog is then closed, the output (preview) image and its thumbnail just disappear.
OK buttons work normally.


Transformation Crop
Center panel vertically command causes application to crash

Transformation Stereo
On opening the input image disappears and a red "error" thumbail is displayed
Posts: 839
Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Apply buttons

Post by davidh »

some additional information to Apply buttons:

Apply buttons in Tools seem to work normally as well.

A small inconsistency in closing a Tool without any work done:
if a Tool is closed using "x" box, its thumbnail is not removed
if a Tool is closed using Cancel button, its thumbnail is removed
Posts: 4514
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: Apply buttons

Post by jsachs »

I will take a look at the other issues soon, but a few observations:

1) The Apply button works differently from 7.20 -- it runs (or at least is supposed to run) the current transformation and then updates all the images downstream from the current image. This way if you are editing an image in the middle of a branch you can update the images below it without closing the transformation dialog. To generate an output image you need to click OK.

2) Closing a transformation dialog box is like clicking the Cancel button. If you just created it, no output image is created. If you are editing an existing transformation (by double clicking on its thumbnail in the image browser), canceling returns the image to its previous state.

3) The Stereo transformation generates an error until you specify the second input image.

I have fixed the Crop bug for the next release.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color