Another masking question

Moderator: jsachs

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Another masking question

Post by Marpel »

I use PWP to generate a ton of masks, and have saved dozens of them over the years (as 8 bit b and w images) that I intend to use at a later date.

However, I also generate temporary masks that I only intend to use during a current session. When I am doing this, I will often-times generate up to twenty or more, a few that I may save and the majority that get tossed. As an example, yesterday and today I have generated about 15-20 and still have about 8 that are unsaved but remain open. The majority are generated by using the Brightness Curve of the Mask tool. Years back, when it was introduced by Den, I built and saved Brightness Curves for shadow, mid and highlight tones, and often start out with these but will change the points to constrict or loosen the range.

I often find myself re-applying a mask to an open image by choosing the mask from the "Mask" button and drop down list, then trying to modify that mask. However, when a mask is re-applied, the mask dialogue box opens, the mask is shown on the image, but the Brightness Curve, or none of the other particular tools, is shown (which is understandable).

Now for the question. Is there any way to, without first saving a particular curve, show that curve back in the mask dialogue. This would greatly assist in modifying the mask. I suspect the answer to my question will be no, but thought I would ask anyway.


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Re: Another masking question

Post by jsachs »

When you save a mask, just the end result is saved and not the process by which you generated it. So, if I understand your question, the answer is no - the only way to save the curves is to save them explicitly.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Another masking question

Post by Marpel »

Ya, that's sort of what I figured.


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