Deleting 32bit version

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Deleting 32bit version

Post by Marpel »

After having my computer turned off for a few days (I always shut down all programs and turn off the computer when I am finished an image editing job and the comp is not connected to the web), I turned it on this morning and a 32 bit version of PWP immediately opened automatically without any actions on my part, with a dialogue box message telling me that it had passed its trial expiry date. Having never experienced this before, I did not note the version number but only noticed 32 bit and a trial expiry date of 2013 across the header of the program, before I closed the program.

Thinking little of this, I proceeded to open my 64 bit Version 7 PWP. Funny thing was, though, the Browser window was now open to the bird image associated to the PWP tutorial. I have never used this image nor brought it up in the browser before and the browser folder that was last accessed prior to closing the program and turning off the computer was not showing. And, all the preference changes (including the size of the Browser window and size of the browser images) that I had made over the months that I have used PWP 7 were all changed back to their default conditions. These changes have always survived repeated closing and opening of PWP.

So, two questions - Any idea why this whole thing occurred? and, As I do not use (nor ever did) the 32 bit version, can I presume I can delete it without interfering with the operation of the 64 bit version, or do they share some files?

Tried to find some documentation on this in SUPPORT as well as searching the forums, without success.


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Re: Deleting 32bit version

Post by ksinkel »

Since both the PWP 32 and 64 bit versions of a given release share the same serial number, the PWP version you ran was probably an older release for which a serial number was not available. Running it may have reset/erased some parameters in your preferences -- particularly parameters which have been added in newer versions. For example older versions of PWP did not support all the thumbnail sizes available in the current version so running it would reset the browser to one of the sizes previously supported.

32 and 64 bit versions of PWP 6 and PWP 7 share some files. Thus if you remove any PWP 6 or 7 installation, you should reinstall the release and version you want to keep to make sure all files are available. PWP 5 does not share files with PWP 7, so removing it does not require reinstallation.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Deleting 32bit version

Post by Marpel »

Thanks Kiril.
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