Transferring license to new computer
Moderator: jsachs
Transferring license to new computer
I'm have trouble transferring my license to a new computer. The license number [supressed] returns and "invalid" message
Re: Transferring license to new computer
Please do not post serial numbers in this public forum as this can lead to piracy -- w will now have to invalidate your serial number for all future version of PWP. Kiril deals with serial numbers and is currently out of town but will get back to you when he can. In future, please send email to instead of posting on the message board for issues of this type.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color
Re: Transferring license to new computer
I tried using your serial number and it worked here so probably you got a bad download or downloaded the wrong version. If you try downloading again and still have problems, please contact support.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color
Re: Transferring license to new computer
I downloaded the latest version per instructions. It told me that I needed the key for an earlier version, which I no longer possess. I am now running the demo version. As an aside, I have been a Digital Light & Color customer for around twenty years.
Re: Transferring license to new computer
OK, sorry for the inconvenience -- Kiril will need to assist you but as I said he is out of town right now. He should be able to get back to you soon however.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color
Re: Transferring license to new computer
For help registering your application, please email me the details of the problem you are experiencing to As Jon metioned, I am travelling and have intermittent internet access, but I will respond as soon as I can.
For help registering your application, please email me the details of the problem you are experiencing to As Jon metioned, I am travelling and have intermittent internet access, but I will respond as soon as I can.
Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color