Paint Tool - Softness

Moderator: jsachs

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Paint Tool - Softness

Post by Marpel »

What does the 0-100 slider for Softness represent? I see Spacing and Fadeout show a % figure, but Softness (and Transparency) does not have the % attached, so I assume the numbers are not a strict percentage of the radius of the tool which gradates outwards to the radius of the tool (in other words at 50, the inner solid area is 50% of the radius, then it gradually goes light to the full radius size).

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Re: Paint Tool - Softness

Post by jsachs »

As you guessed, softness determines how far out the brush is solid. Then the falloff from there to the radius follows a cosine function. The omission of the % sign was an oversight and has no special significance.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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