PWP Crashing

Moderator: jsachs

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PWP Crashing

Post by CKirkwood »

Yesterday I was using PWP (Version 7.0.17 on Win10-64) to clean up about five dozen page scans, and I experienced several random crashes. I didn't start really paying attention to these until about the third one, and the three after that all happened when I was using the Paint Tool. I don't remember having this sort of problem before I upgraded to Win10 about a month ago, but thinking back I believe that I have experienced a few crashes since the upgrade. I'm curious whether anyone else is experiencing crashes like this.

I noticed that each time I restarted PWP after a crash the file browser showed a folder that I hadn't worked in for a couple days. However, when I clicked on the "Open new browse folder" button, the dialog immediately showed the folder I was currently working in, which is not located on my computer near the folder that was initially displayed.

This morning, I ran the all the images from yesterday through a standard workflow with breakpoints and didn't have any crashes.

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Re: PWP Crashing

Post by jsachs »

One thought... If you are using the Paint tool (or any other tool) extensively and especially with large brush sizes the undo buffer use up all available memory depending on the amount of virtual memory available. To avoid this, from time to time close the tool and re-open it.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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Re: PWP Crashing

Post by CKirkwood »

Thanks for your quick response. I was indeed using the Paint tool with large brush sizes (to paint out sepia background through fairly complicated masks). The crashes didn't occur during those operations, but the buffer might have been full due to previous operations. I left the tool open from image to image, and I'll remember to close tools every once in a while.

I have 8 GB of memory and lots of SSD available. I wasn't working on very large images, jpegs typically around 2MB and none larger than 5MB. I had a few other windows open along with PWP, but nothing extensive. Once I started monitoring the crashes, they were occuring every few images, so unless there is a limitation within PWP it doesn't seem likely I ran out of Windows VM.

Let's see if anyone else is experiencing this.

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Re: PWP Crashing

Post by jsachs »

Every time you click or move the cursor with a tool active, PWP makes a copy of the piece of the image underneath the tool so it can undo later. This adds up very quickly if you are using a large brush, even with a small image. Also, sometimes crashes like this are caused by a buggy display driver.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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