Photo Filing System

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Re: Photo Filing System

Post by tomczak »

Dieter, thanks - I tried the codec that you've mentioned, and it got rid of the 'no codec' error message, but it doesn't read the X-E2 metadata - which indicates to me that the camera is not supported.

Winfried thanks too. One of my long term quest was a simple application that would do two things: edit the EXIF and maybe IPTC AND search for it - all inside RAW/JPG files, and no external databases. The first one is already supported by EXIFToolGUI quite nicely, but I haven't been successful so far with the search part.

Maciej Tomczak
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Re: Photo Filing System

Post by tombriggs »

Have you tried or have any thoughts on Cyberlink PhotoDirector7 software for organizing photos. I have the daunting task of trying to organize 3-4000 photos over a 15 yr span. I know I need to do it because finding anything is a monumental task ... but, that said, I'm also looking for a relatively simple way to do that. I looked at IMatch but it looks like a steep learning curve. The reviews I've seen on the Cyberlink program have been positive but would be reassured by anyone knowledgeable of it ............................. or other programs.
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Re: Photo Filing System

Post by ksinkel »

If you want to organize photos by date, you can do so automatically using Picture Window workflow.

A workflow for sorting images into folders by year and month is part of each Picture Window installation. The workflow is called MoveToDateFolder.wfl and can be loaded into the workflow window. A sample screen shot is shown below:
DateWFL.jpg (388.24 KiB) Viewed 6642 times
To use the workflow, open a workflow window in Picture Window. Drag the images you want to sort into the top pane of the workflow window. Load MoveToDateFolder.wfl into the bottom pane. Check the move widget to make sure it is set as you want. (It has a test button that will show you the path into which it will copy the images.) Then Click Go to execute the workflow.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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Re: Photo Filing System

Post by tombriggs »

Thanx for the reply, Kiri, but mine are already posted in files by date ... however, each file folder might contain myriad photos of different things (scenic, family, sporting events, etc) and trying to find a specific photo is almost impossible. As I recall, IMatch developed 'categories' that you could set up (for instance 'family)' and then under that you could set up a series of sub-folders (sub-categories) for grandson, granddaughter, etc). I may or may not be correct on my remembrance of IMatch but, playing with the demo version a year or so ago, I found it to be somewhat confusing to an old-timer like me. I also seem to remember that under IMatch, the photos didn't move but only a thumbnail which contained info as to which folder the folder actually resided in (to include even locations off the computer, like CD's).

I do realize that probably no matter which program I end up with, I'm going to have to go back through all these folders and assign labels to each photo in order to be able to find it by category.

Sooooo, I'm looking for a simple solution for a simple guy.
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Re: Photo Filing System

Post by ksinkel »

The main advantages of the method I outlined above is that it is simple and automatic. However it stores image by just one attribute -- generally the date. So if you want to categorize images on more than one dimension, you need something in addition. Of course cross-referencing schemes usually require upfront work. You generally need to commit to tagging images with keywords according to some consistent system so you can find them later.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
Posts: 17
Joined: April 25th, 2009, 4:50 pm

Re: Photo Filing System

Post by aloomens »

Daminion DAM is full featured DAM software. Lots of nice ways to organize and search, rate photos etc. The stand alone version if free. They charge for the server based version.
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