Black Bleed Effect update...

Moderator: jsachs

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Black Bleed Effect update...

Post by den »

Ref: Black Bleed/Bled Black Technique ... d%E2%80%A6

PWP7.0.14+ has had Halo limits added to the Sharpen/Adv Sharpen transforms so that dark half edge sharpening gradients can be adjusted to be stronger than the light edge gradients... ...this lends to the following...

1) click on Img0 (the starting image) and open the Mask Tool - Brightness Curve: lower-left Apply Add an 'active' tone range mask with a StairStep curve [0,0] [35,0] [35,100] [100,100]; and then lower-left Apply a Blur 50 to 100 for a starting image with approx 4000x3000 pixel dimensions...
BlackBleedUpdate_example_Mask.jpg (58.03 KiB) Viewed 6161 times
2) click on Img0 and open the Sharpen transform in UnsharpMask method [the 'active' mask of 1) should appear as the Amount Mask]. Use initial settings: Amount Mask white=100, black=33; Halo Limits Light=0 Dark=100; Radius=20; and Threshold=3. Change initial settings and/or 'active' mask to achieve preference while monitoring an updating [checked] Preview...
Click OK, creating an image version with:
...a) minor transformation limited to the 0 to 35 HSV-V tone range (deep to low mid-tone shadows) in order to reduce blocking
...b) major transformation limited to the 35 to 100 HSV-V tone range
BlackBleedUpdate_example.jpg (167.18 KiB) Viewed 6170 times
In the illustration above, note the improved edges of the clouds without highlight blocking and the stronger crispness of the foreground tulip blossoms while the hedge shadows are not unduly darkened.

Posts: 861
Joined: April 25th, 2009, 6:33 pm
What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Canon EOS-350D/Fuji X100T
Location: Birch Bay near Blaine, WA USA

Re: Black Bleed Effect update...

Post by den »

This thread was generated as a result of off-message board correspondence with a fellow PWP user where he had an example of an extremely edgy-grained BW image from a magazine that he wanted to duplicate... this example, while not exhibiting the 'antique' ambience of his image, does illustrate an edgy-grain ambience... was generated by 2 Sharpen-UnsharpMask passes as described in 2) above: one with a Radius=5 and a subsequent transformation with a Radius=10... ...both with the suggested 1) mask to prevent blocking deep shadows... ...a grain texture was then added...
DSCF0262_rfcex2_BW_Grain_BlackBleed_525px.jpg (59.12 KiB) Viewed 6108 times
Just exploring possibilities!... always, ask if there are questions...

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