Extract jpeg widget

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Extract jpeg widget

Post by davidh »

When I try to run a workflow with the Extract Jpeg widget, the error message says "The Extract Jpeg widget's parameters have not been set. Set the parametrs and try again", even though this widget does not require any parameters.

Here is a Dieter's post about the Extract Jpeg widget and it is evident that the Extract Jpeg widget's parameters are only a formality and that it should work or worked:
http://www.dl-c.com/board/viewtopic.php ... tract+jpeg
Still, my workflow wouldn't run, asking for seting the parameters. The Extract Jpeg widget is placed as the first widget followed only by the Save widget.
Have I missed something? Thanks.

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Re: Extract jpeg widget

Post by ksinkel »

No, that's how it works. For uniform operation, all widgets require that you set them before the workflow can be executed.

Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
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Joined: June 9th, 2009, 2:16 am

Re: Extract jpeg widget

Post by davidh »

Now I have found what was wrong. When I double cklicked the Extract Jpeg widget and it said The transformation does not require any parameters, I concluded there is nothing to set and pressed Cancel. If I had pressed OK instead, the Confirm Profile Conversion would have appeared and then the widget would have been set and checked. So even though there are no parameters to set, there still might be another step to do, like to confirm the profile conversion, so clicking the Cancel button is not a good idea.
Sorry for the confusion.

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