Hello Kiril,ksinkel wrote:Alan,
My test of the X-100 shows no problems. If you see problems with an X-100 image, please send me the image. The e-mail is support@dl-c.com. You may need to use one of the image transfer services. also, I didn't test the E2, but please feel free to send me an E2 image as well.
Thank you,
Are you sure we're talking about the same camera? I don't believe the X100 has an X-Trans sensor and is, therefore, very different from the X100S which does have X-Trans sensor and a different processor. Not that the internal camera processor would have anything to do with demosiacing of the image file.
So far, in my testing of various Fuji X-Trans sensor type cameras--all RAW files downloaded from the internet I might add--the latest version of PWP
does not support this style sensor. I would be happy to send you a couple of RAW files, if you tell me how, but you can download your own from various sources--imaging-resource.com & photographyblog.com to name a couple. Let me know if you'd like me to send along a couple of files.
Thank you.