For a 48-bit color Input image, changing "OPT - Sharpen all" to "OPT - Sharpen luminance only" results in the Preview showing 'black'. Changing back to "OPT - Sharpen all" Preview changes back to the expected color image with transform settings applied...
Switching from "Sharpen all" to "Sharpen luminance only" and back with a 24 bit color Input image, Preview will show the expected color image with transform settings applied without going 'black'...
A saved or cleared 'Default' does not seem to be a factor.
Can any one else confirm?
PWP7.0.11 32bit Advanced Sharpen - Sharpen tab
Moderator: jsachs
Re: PWP7.0.11 32bit Advanced Sharpen - Sharpen tab
Hi Den,
With PWP 7.0.11-32bit, at first I did not see the problem you describe. With 48-bit or 24-bit images, switching the Options in AS from All to Luminance Only does not make a difference to the preview on my system. That is, with Sharpening Amount set to 0. With any other amount, the preview does indeed go to black, as you describe.
With PWP 7.0.11-32bit, at first I did not see the problem you describe. With 48-bit or 24-bit images, switching the Options in AS from All to Luminance Only does not make a difference to the preview on my system. That is, with Sharpening Amount set to 0. With any other amount, the preview does indeed go to black, as you describe.
Re: PWP7.0.11 32bit Advanced Sharpen - Sharpen tab
This was reported back in Sept. 2013 and I believe has been fixed, but I don't think a maintenance release has been issued since then. We should be issuing one soon.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color