Cannot close a window

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Cannot close a window

Post by Bernard »

After creating saving and using a mask with the brightness transformation, I tried to close the mask window and got the following message :
"Window in use by history window. Cannot close"
Is it a know bug ?

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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by ksinkel »

This is not a bug.

The history window stores all the parameters of each operation and allows you to apply them to other images or reapply them to the same image operations. In an operation requires a mask, the mask window is reserved, so the operation can be repeated if you choose to do so. You can, of course, minimize the window so it will be out of the way. Once you close all the images of that particular thread you will be able to close the mask.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by dbd »


This is an alleged feature that bugs users who process large files with PWP 5 and find their ram being eaten up by masks until they have to save the current image (45 seconds), remove the masks and reload the image (45 seconds) to be able to continue processing. Unfortunately the minimization of the window doesn't reduce the ram footprint of the masks.

If the user were allowed the option of removing (after the warning) any mask the user doesn't care to reuse, this would actually be a feature. If the history storage were moved out of ram, that would be a feature. If the history logging were a mode that could be disabled, that would be a feature. YMMV

Dale B. Dalrymple
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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by Andreas »


I agree to a certain extent... it's annoying that you cannot close windows you don't need, especially in a program that creates new windows after about every editing step. Kiril said (a few months ago) to have a look at this, e.g. by giving the user the choice to close the window or not. That's my hope too.
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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by Bernard »

Dale & Andreas,

Yes, this feature is annoying when you don't intend to make use of it.
'history reuse' should be an option like : Yes = as now in V5 , No = as was in V4 (ie history is logged, can be displayed, but cannot be reused automatically).
Kiril, Jonathan , what do you think ?

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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by dbd »

I really do appreciate the new features in PWP5. I'm not annoyed by warning messages when I want to do things that might not be best for some users' applications of PWP. I would like to be allowed to make the choice that applies to my personal work flow. What annoys me is that the only way I have to remove a 200MB mask from RAM so that I can continue processing is by writing a 600MB file from RAM to disk, deleting the mask and reading the 600MB file to RAM from disk. In my years of using PWP4 I have stitched thousands of panoramas limited to the size I could edit in PWP4. Now I can no longer conveniently process these files in PWP5 because of careless creeping-feature-ism.

Of course a 64-bit version of PWP would solve this as long as I can afford however much RAM as new PWP features squander :)

Dale B. Dalrymple
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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by Dieter Mayr »

I would prefer a option to disable the history function too.
Allowing to save the mask and just refer to its filename instead could eb a option to save memory space and making the wfl files smaller, but with the risk if someone edits the mask the whole workflow will be unuseable.
I personally would prefer the way with reference, but others would maybe prefer to ask the user if he ur she wants to use histoy or not.
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Cannot close a window

Post by MikeG »


I'm also looking forward to the 64 bit version of PWP for 'panoramic' reasons. Though I'm a long way from my first thousand!

In the meantime I've checked and found out that GIMP is available in 64 bit and I plan to have a lash with 64 bit Kubuntu and GIMP. Time consuming - but inexpensive!

This might provide a stopgap for panoramas that don't need some of the subtleties of PWP.

I'll thought that I'd post the idea. I won't have any experience to report for 'some time'...

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