Is there a way to change the composition guides deafult from None to one of PWCompositionGuides.txt? I almost always start with my favourite "Thirds - Diagonals" .
For those who might be interesed, add the following to the PWCompositionGuides.txt:
name "Thirds - Diagonals"
line 0.0 0.0 0.6667 1.0
line 0.0 1.0 0.6667 0.0
line 0.3333 0.0 1.0 1.0
line 0.3333 1.0 1.0 0.0
Composition Guides Default
Moderator: jsachs
Re: Composition Guides Default
In principle, you could use the Options/Save as Default function to save all crop settings. However the composition guides, since they only affect the display, are not currently included in the default settings. I will add them in the next release and then that should start the dialog with the selected guide setting.
Kiril Sinkel
Digital Light & Color
Digital Light & Color
Re: Composition Guides Default
That will be nice.
Thanks, Kiril.
Thanks, Kiril.