JPG/PPW preview extracted from RAW

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JPG/PPW preview extracted from RAW

Post by tomczak »

I understand that dcraw -e option can extract Jpegs/ppm: in-camera-processed preview images embedded in RAW. I find it useful in that I can only shoot and store RAW, always having access to the embedded Jpegs if needed (even if it's 1/4 size, that's still useful for web or previews, without having to go into RAW processing - even more useful and if a workflow could open the previews instead of processing RAW if so instructed...). Would implementing it in PWP be an option?
Maciej Tomczak
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Fast Stone shows you the embedded JPG

Post by Charles2 »

While you wait for PWP to bloat up to PhotoShop proportions, you can see the embedded JPGs with Fast Stone. I use this shareware viewer to review a day's shots, selecting the ones to get serious treatment in PWP. Fast Stone also does most elementary RGB transformations so you can see whether a shot has potential for one or another look.
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Re: JPG/PPW preview extracted from RAW

Post by keithrj »

Another great viewer that extracts JPG from RAW is IrfanView. You can also get a great free JPG extracter called Instant JPG From RAW which is available from: IJFR is a small plugin to Windows Explorer and works a treat!
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