PWP RAW - supported camera

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PWP RAW - supported camera

Post by tomczak »

How do I find the list of camera models supported by PWP RAW? Would it be the same as the cameras supported by dcraw?

For instance, are the Canon S95 .CR2 files supported? Would it mean that some .CR2 files are supported and some may not, depending on the camera model?

Maciej Tomczak
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Fuji X-E2

Re: PWP RAW - supported camera

Post by tomczak »

Just an additional question: does the fact that a RAW converters only recognize certain camera types based on the EXIF 'CameraModelID'? For instance, I've heard that changing the CanonModelID to S90 instead of S95 does the trick. Why is it done this way - I thought it was the RAW file format that makes it or breaks it, not the particular camera model?
Maciej Tomczak
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Re: PWP RAW - supported camera

Post by jsachs »

There is no one RAW file format - each manufacturer has their own format complete with different pixel data, pixel arrangements, data compression schemes, etc. This is what makes it so hard to write RAW converters. Without knowing the camera model there is no guarantee you can read the file at all. In addition to the raw data there are also various specific EXIF fields including a catch-all field call "Maker Notes" which is often used to hold camera-specific information that does not fit in any of the other standard EXIF fields.
Jonathan Sachs
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What is the make/model of your primary camera?: Fuji X-E2

Re: PWP RAW - supported camera

Post by tomczak »

But, say, .CR2 format is supposed to be standard across various Canon camera models? Or is it different for each?

How do I find out which particular camera models are covered by the most recent PWP RAW?

Maciej Tomczak
Posts: 4536
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 11:03 pm

Re: PWP RAW - supported camera

Post by jsachs »

It can vary from model to model, if only in the Maker Notes.
Jonathan Sachs
Digital Light & Color
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