Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Moderator: jsachs

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Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Post by Rawcoll »

The Colour Correction dialogue opens up without the brightness slider and the lower two check-boxes: these only appear after a colour is selected. This is not a transformation I use often, and I’ve just noticed that these controls disappear again if the dialogue background is clicked on. This can happen by accident when adjusting the brightness if the cursor isn’t exactly over the slider control, requiring the colour wheel to be clicked on again to reveal the brightness control and check-boxes. Is this how it is intended to work? Would it be possible to allow these controls to be present all the time? I’ve checked PWPro v4 and it does the same. I am using Windows XP home, SP2 running on an Athlon 64.

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Re: Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Post by ksinkel »

The brightness slider and the controls below it refer to the selected color. So if no color is selected, dsplaying them would be misleading.

Kiril Sinkel
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Re: Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Post by Rawcoll »


That makes sense, though my problem was really the fact that it disappears if one accidentally clicks on the dialogue background, even though a colour is selected. I've started using a graphics tablet and pen and I found that the brightness control repeatedly, and frustratingly, vanished after I'd used it. I tracked it down to reason I described.

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Re: Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Post by jsachs »

It comes back again if you click on a control point. The value can be different for each control point.
Jonathan Sachs
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Re: Behaviour of the Colour Correction dialogue

Post by Rawcoll »

Ah! OK, thanks.
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