Crop/Add Border changing border and margin values

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Crop/Add Border changing border and margin values

Post by tomczak »

Often, though I can't figure out a standard recipe to cause it, the Crop/Add border displays some semi-random default values on open (e.g. all of the sudden right and top margins become -2 and -1). Also, if in the previous use of this transformation a margin(s) were set to some values, the next time the transformation is invoked these values can change. I noticed that it happens only when the next image has different pixel size than the previous one (e.g. when you add a margin to an image, then try to add another margin to the result of the previous transformation). Have others noticed this?
Maciej Tomczak
Dieter Mayr
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Re: Crop/Add Border changing border and margin values

Post by Dieter Mayr »

This behaviour of (proportional) changeing of the margins value is neccessary because of the new introduced sidecar files, i think Jonathan or Kiril once wrote about it.
To disable this behavior, set Crop Orientation to "As is", Crop Scaling and Border Scaling to "Don't Scale" and the values entered at a previous picture stay for the next, even when it's size is different.
Settings are in the lower third of the Crop/Add Border window.
Are the same settings that are available in the Crop/Add Border Widget in Workflow.

Dieter Mayr
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